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December 10, 2018


What are the real benefits of choosing natural, organic toiletries? 

Much like health food, natural, organic toiletries are not new to us. And although there is an increase in demand every year, in the US, the choices in travel size toiletries in mainstream drugstores and supermarkets are still limited. 

Consumers are moving towards a holistic approach. An organic diet coupled with organic personal care makes total sense.

 There is no denying that organic products have started to dominate the beauty and personal care market. The age of artificial is over in the personal care market.

But the question is, should you switch to natural and organic too? 

The truth is, many people depend on trends when it comes to buying organic products. We love to know what moisturizer does our favorite celebrities recommend. 

Instead of actually looking at product labels to Google if the ingredients are truly certified organic, we always end up victim to modern marketing. The truth is in the label. 

The Real Reasons Why You Need to Shift to Organic Toiletries 

Natural, organic, chemical-free, cruelty-free, vegan, Non-GMO, vegetarian, gluten-free, PETA-approved and eco-friendly. These are some of the common jargons that we’re told to look for when shopping for organic products. But for the unsuspecting shopper, ‘natural’ can mean “we use some natural ingredients”, and ‘cruelty-free’ may be equivalent to “we still test on animals, but only in China”. 

We have to know how to read the label more than ever because the benefits of using natural and organic daily personal care essentials like shampoo, hand sanitizer, lotion, moisturizer, deodorant, sunscreen, and toothpaste are simply amazing. 

But, first, let’s talk about what‘organic’ and‘natural’ really means. 

The difference really comes down to regulations. The ‘certified organic’ product claim is heavily regulated by the USDA. To qualify for a certified organic label, a product must contain absolutely no toxic pesticides, toxic synthetic herbicides, or chemical NPK fertilizers. So, if you’re intending to buy a certified organic personal care product, always find the USDA seal on the label. 

Now, here comes one of the most startling facts in the natural and organic industry - there is no solid regulation around labels of “natural” or “all-natural”. In some instances, products may simply include plant-based ingredients that are highly-processed that may actually be even harmful to your skin. 

The truth is, there is no accurate definition of ‘natural’. It’s a loose term and it will generally mean that at least some natural ingredients are used in making the product. That’s why as a consumer, reading the label carefully is so important. If the label is full of ingredients created in a lab, and the only natural ingredients you recognize are at the bottom, the product is hardly natural. 

A product may actually be ‘natural’ if it’s ingredients are mostly grown in gardens like aloe, chamomile, shea butter, beeswax, and essential oils. 

These ingredients offer plenty of benefits to your body, even if they are not technically organic because they still need to undergo processes to make them safer for all skin types and people with allergies. 

PureMankind’s All Natural Deodorant Stick 

The Real Benefits of Using Organic Toiletries 

Nowadays, we live a very mobile life. People who work or live in urban and suburban areas

are constantly at war with pollution and free radicals. Our bodies age faster as a result, but it doesn’t have to be like this. 

Lucky for us, responsible brands are starting to offer more options in terms of travel size, organic, and all-natural toiletries. This means that sticking to a natural regimen despite our busy schedules and constant travelling is becoming more possible.

If you choose to use organic products for your body every day, here are some of the benefits you are bound to experience: 

Try PureMankind’s All Natural Body Wash 

Helps avoid cancer and illnesses 

Synthetic skincare products often include parabens, phthalates, sulphates, formaldehyde, toluene, and hydroquinone. These are typically found in makeup, body wash, shampoo, deodorant, and facial cleanser, and other types of toiletries.

These chemical ingredients are used as preservatives, lightening agents, and fragrance boosters but they’re also linked to breast cancer, endocrinal disruption, skin allergies, kidney problems, dermatitis, and other illnesses. 

Essentially, you are feeding your skin with chemicals.

Try PureMankind’s All Natural Hand Wash 

They are earth-friendly

Conventionally manufactured products were harvested with pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Farming and growing the plants and animals used in synthetic beauty and skincare products involved chemicals that are harmful not only to us but also to the soil, and the damage can be detrimental or irreversible. 

When you choose organic products, you are supporting cleaner processing methods, which subsequently promotes a healthier planet. 

Try PureMankind’s Botanic Shampoo 

Look better, feel better 

The skin is the largest part of the body and it absorbs almost everything you apply on to it. If your toiletries products are made from the purest of ingredients, you made the smarter, healthier choice because you are feeding your body the most potent natural ingredients.

Are you looking for the best natural and organic toiletries?  Pure Mankind’s personal care products are made from the finest natural ingredients. We are proud of our fine selection of organic and natural travel size products. Shop now!